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Exoplanet Discovered in the Big Dipper with Help of Russian Know-How
A new planet outside the Solar System has been discovered with the help of a unique method developed by Russian scientists.
The MOON – the City of the First
April 12 launches the All-Russian competition of scientific, technical and creative projects "The Moon: the City of the First." The competition is organized within the framework of the 8th All-Russian Science Festival "NAUKA 0+"
Flexible Mirror for Space Telescopes Developed by Samara Scientists
The system developed on the ground of the domestic element basis can be used both in space and on Earth.
Space Tracking System for Asteroids Invisible from Earth Developed in Russia
Russia is developing a promising space project to detect and calculate the trajectories of dangerous asteroids and comets approaching the Earth from the directions inaccessible to ground-based control points.
Russian Medicine is Shooting to the Outer Space
In 2018 a bioreactor with stem cells will be launched to the Earth orbit. The experiment will make it possible to study the effect of space flight on the survival of stem cells.
Space Research Institute of RAS: There Was Possibly Life on Venus
Venus might be the first planet in the solar system, where life appeared, that is, earlier than on Earth. Actually, there may be life on Venus even now - in its atmosphere, in clouds at the altitude of 50-60 km.
Environmental Inspection from Outer Space
A system for monitoring the ecological condition in the areas of coal mining has been presented in Russia. The system is based on satellite imagery.
Space Microrobot-Centipede Created by Russian Engineers
With the weight of 70 mg only, the robot can stand a 20 times bigger pressure and move a 5 times heavier load.
Russia Plans Two Manned Flights to the Moon Annually
The Moon exploration program provides astronauts' landing on the Moon surface, and their transportation to the libration point of the Earth - Moon system, as well as the Moon circumnavigation.
Russian Scientists Suggest that Asteroids are Blasted When Moving away from the Earth
Earlier elimination of a dangerous asteroid on its approach to the Earth was proponed as a preventive measure.
Russian Scientists Designed Model of Space Debris Movement
It will help to reduce the probability of the collision of satellites with artificial objects in the Earth orbit.
Antarctic Bacteria will Fly to Outer Space
The microorganisms, which were in permafrost of the Arctic and Antarctic for millions of years, will be delivered to the outer space by the Russian biosatellite Bion-M 2 in 2020 to prove the possibility of life existence on the Mars.
RSC Energy Patented Inflatable Space Module for ISS
The Rocket and Space Corporation Energy took out the invention patent on the transformable manned module for the Russian segment of the ISS and perspective orbital stations.
Russian Exploration of Space, Arctic and Antarctic is beyond Sanctions
The sanction policy pursued by some European states and the USA towards Russia has not hampered the countries' collaboration in space exploration and studies of the Arctic and the Antarctic.
Soyuz TMA-18M Launch
The spaceship “Soyuz TMA-18M” launched from Baikonur on September 2 did not hit the fragment of the Japanese rocket launched in 1989.
Russia-China Space Cooperation
Russia is interested in purchasing the space electronic component base (ECB) in China.
“Luna-25” (“Luna-Glob”) Spacecraft
Russian experts have begun to test the “Luna-25” (“Luna-Glob”) spacecraft which should begin to study the Earth’s satellite in 2019.
Real Space Food is Now Available to Everyone
One can taste the authentic food in tubes which was only available on the transport spaceships and orbital stations until recently at the ENEA in the legendary Pavilion No. 32 “Kosmos” (“Space”).
Russian-American Space Cooperation Becomes Controversial
Decision of the U.S. to suspend space cooperation with Russia except the International Space Station (ISS) has caused a controversial reaction among American experts, many of whom consider this move a mistake. Some NASA specialists believe that this could adversely affect the national space program, as well as the ISS project.
Short-term Flights to the ISS
Roscosmos considers the possibility of resumption of short-term ten-day flights to the ISS now when the new American spacecrafts have appeared. On the other hand, it is supposed to extend the term of long missions to the station up to nine months with the start of exploitation of the modernized “Soyuz” spacecrafts in 2015.
No Killer Solar Flare to Happen: Russian Scientists Promise
Recently British newspapers announced another “end of the world” happening within the next 18 months, when extremely powerful solar flare would destroy the whole industry of power engineering and all electronic devices on our planet, as well as orbital space ships and satellites. Russian physicists advise to keep calm and do not believe these gloomy prophecies.
The Big Bang Could Have Never Started the Universe
A Russian astrophysicist suggests that our Universe never started with the Big Bang. Data, he obtained in his observations, can destroy existing theory of how our Universe had been born.
Russia’s Space Ambitions
After the International space station stops its activities, Russian researchers suggest using it as a basis for a high-latitude orbital space station.
Mars Landing Simulation Practice Started
Participants of a famous simulation of manned mission to Mars, called “Mars-500”, are now at most interesting stage of the project – VIRTU technology guides six volunteers, isolated from any external influence possible, through a process of a future “landing” on the Red planet.
Will Earth Bacteria Infect Mars?
An experiment on delivering bacteria from the Earth to Mars and back aboard Russian “Phobos-Grunt” interplanetary station may cause irreversible changes in Marian ecosystem, an Italian researcher worries. However, Russian scientists assure Barry DiGregorio, a member of ICAMSR (International Committee Against Mars Sample Return), that bacteria from Earth would never get to Mars or Phobos.
We Need Reliable Space Weather Forecast
For 1 month Russian physicists and astronomers publish information about space weather on the website of the Russian Space Agency. Among other data the website contains information about solar flares, speed of solar wind, and Earth’s magnetosphere, as well as magnetic storm forecast for next 27 days.
Life Should Have Come to Earth from Space
State of the art of world science allows scientists to talk only about time when life appeared on our planet, but not about life’s place of origin, head of the Institute of Paleontology, full member of Russian academy of sciences Alexei Rosanov believes.
Mars-500 Chronicles: One Month of Total Isolation
It has been 30 days already, since participants of the Mars-500 project were locked in special flight-imitating facilities. There are only 490 days of Martian mission simulation left.
Solar Patrol to Fight Corrosion
Russian space physicists from Vavilov State Institute of Optics developed an unusual technology for fighting corrosion of oil and gas pipelines.
New Materials for Aircraft Engines Created
Russian researchers from the Institute of Metals Superplacticity Problems (Russian academy of sciences) developed a new technology for creating 3D and flat sheet materials with homogeneous nanostructure.
Morning Star Loses Its Mysterious Cover
A Russian scientist compiled first full geological map of the Morning Star, which will help finding answers to many questions about planet’s and Solar system’s evolution and history, as well as about possible future of our own planet.
Solar Wind Removed Water from Venus
Solar wind removed a significant amount of water from Venus’s atmosphere – this is what data from automatic interplanetary station “Venus-Express” revealed to astronomers. The probe also shed light on characteristic patterns of winds in the atmosphere of the brightest planet on our night sky.
New Discovery Helps Understanding Stars
International research team, supervised by Artem Oganov and Yanming Ma, discovered that sodium (chemical element Na) gets transparent under very high pressure. This fundamental discovery is a great contribution to understanding of metal properties under high pressures, for instance, in stars and giant planets.
Russian Priorities in Space
According to RosCosmos, Russia has four main priorities in space. Here are a few words about each of them.
The Universe Expands Faster Every Minute
International scientific think-tank under supervision of Alexei Vikhlinin (Institute of Space Research, Russia) performed experiments, which confirmed that the Universe expands with acceleration, and showed how it developed in time. Currently astronomers are developing new orbital X-ray observatory with one of the tasks of performing necessary measurements of “dark energy” with unprecedented accuracy.
Where’s Water on Mars?
Scientific equipment of the “Mars-Express” orbiter allowed detailed studies of water cycle on the Red planet.
Advances in Space Technologies
Recent conference “Technological development of space industry” allowed leading Russian experts in this field to discuss burning issues of rocket-and-space industry of our country.
Saga about Neutrons
Russian nuclear physicists confirmed some aspects of current hypothesis of origin and structure of the Universe.
Ecologically Friendly Space Flights
Joint project of Russia and Kazakhstan on development of ecologically friendly rocket and space complex “Bayterek” (which means “tree of life”) entered its final stage.
Several Deaths of a Supernova
Scientists from Russia, the United State and Germany told the world in their paper in Nature that supernovas can explode several times.
Noah’s “Photon”
Russian researchers have recently reported the results of their brave experiment – sending living organisms to space aboard “Photon-M3” spaceship.
Some Mars on Earth
Next year Russian Institute of Medical and Biological Problems hosts a unique international experiment – a simulation of manned flight to Mars lasting for 520 days.
Nano-Satellites – Future of the Future
Third millennium has started not very long ago and brought us a new stage of development of tiny space vehicles – micro- and nano-satellites. Small space crafts are already widely used for Earth remote sensing, ecological monitoring, earthquake predicting and studies of ionosphere.
Meteorite Traces Deep in the Ocean
A theory suggests a giant meteorite falling on Earth 65 million years ago and killing all dinosaurs. Russian scientists have found traces of this meteorite.
Transfer and Cargo Orbit Workhorse Developed
Russian scientists plan to finish development of a brand new transfer and cargo orbit stage “Frigate-SB” till end of this year.
Russians in Space
Russian spacecraft manufacturer Energia has come out with several ideas for Russian space programme for the period up to 2050. Mentioned suggestions for the Russian space programme consist of four stages.
Euphoria of Space Research
The Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences has announced the beginning of the new space year.
The Moon to Warm Mankind
First stage of the Moon’s exploration – building of a small station with several crewmembers – is scheduled for 2020-2025.
What Comes From the Sky?
Is there any life on Mars? What is the origin of life on our planet? Scientists, who study permafrost, appear to have surprising answers to these questions.
“Mars-500” Project Calls for Volunteers
About fifty people volunteered to take part in the terrestrial experiment simulating manned flight to Mars, which is going to be held in Russia. Who knows, may be the dream of the whole mankind – to take a walk on Earth’s neighbour – will sometimes come true. At least, we will be another step closer for it.
Laser-Based Drive for a Space Yacht
Design of a laser-based drive for a space yacht united physicists from Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Tokyo.
Space is the Cradle of Life
More that 3,5 billion years have passed since life appeared on Earth, but scientists still argue about it. One of the popular hypotheses is that some life seeds had arrived to Earth from space. But what kind of seeds may have come here from space and how did they appear there?
Meteorites Bear Traces of Ancient Life
Meteorites – pieces of large cosmic bodies brought to our planet by a long arm of coincidence – attract attention of microbiologists for a long time.
What’s New on The Moon?
When romantic men and lovebirds look at the Moon, they hardly think of what is it. But the scientists still think it’s full of mysteries. What is the Moon, where did it come from? Did it appear from the same primary stardust cloud as the Earth did? Or may be it had been torn from our planet long ago? Or may be it had arrived from another galaxy?
Why Do Earthlings Need Mars?
Why Mars is of science’s main interest despite numerous space objects that can be studied as well? Famous Russian scientists think that by spending billions for Mars exploration earthlings invest their children safety rather than numerous science projects, because in case of a global catastrophe humanity needs an extra planet.


MexSat-1 Will Be Launched On May 16
The Federal Space Agency of the Russian Federation announced a new date of the launch of the Mexican telecommunication satellite MexSat-1.
Progress Ship Will Be Launched Again
The next launch of the transportation ship “Progress” is scheduled by Roskosmos for the third quarter of 2015.
Russia Put a Record Number Of Spacecrafts Into Orbit In 2014
Russia has put a record number of spacecrafts into orbit in 2014 – a total of 80, including 31 public use satellites, five commercial ones and 44 small satellites.
Space Launches Plans 2015
A total of about 30 launches of spacecrafts of carrier rockets from different cosmodromes are scheduled for 2015.
Space Exploration Program
The Federal Space Agency has developed a program of far space exploration. The key point of this program will be the flight to the Moon.
New Generation Of Mini-satellites
Russian scientists together with the specialists from the space industry intend to create mini-satellites which for the first time in the world will be able to join in groups, educate themselves and even repair each other without leaving the orbitþ
New System Of Space Control
More than 10 complexes of space monitoring system of new generation are to be deployed in various regions of Russia until 2018.
Russia Will Have Eleven Remote Earth Sensing Satellites
Russia will have the orbital group of eleven remote Earth sensing satellites for various purposes at its disposal in 2015.
Russia And The USA Resume Space Cooperation
Russia and the USA have resumed negotiations on the new joint projects on the International Space Station.
Russia Will Launch Fifteen Satellites Until Late August
In the next three months Russia will perform about fifteen space launches from five spaceports.
French Arianespace And Roscosmos Signed A New Contract
French Arianespace and Roscosmos have signed an agreement for the deliveries of seven Russian Soyuz carrier rockets for launches from Kourou spaceport in 2016-2019.
Another Extraterrestrial Splinter Found in Tchebarkul
Divers have found a celestial body fragment weighing a few tons in Tchebarkul Lake.
Japan Plans To Launch A Satellite Using A Russian Rocket
In August 2014, Japan plans to inject in near-Earth orbit a new cheap observation satellite ASNARO, which Tokyo expects to export abroad.
Space Tourists Will Be Trained in Sheremetyevo
Sheremetyevo Airport and Aerophobia treatment centre "Letaem bez Straha (Flying without Fear)" have launched the world's first training centre for space tourists.
The Most Effective Asteroids Monitoring System
The most effective asteroids monitoring system may be created till 2020 in Russia.
Roskosmos and ESA Signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the Field of Space Exploration
The head of the Federal Space Agency (Roscosmos) V.A.Popovkin and CEO of the European Space Agency (ESA), J.J. Dorden met in Paris and signed an agreement on cooperation on the exploration of Mars and other bodies of the Solar System by robotic means.
The Start of the Next Long-Term Expedition to the ISS is Scheduled for March 27
The launch of the Russian "Soyuz" spacecraft with an international crew aboard to the International Space Station (ISS) from the “Baikonur” cosmodrome is scheduled for March 27.
Human Presence on the Moon is Possible
If it is necessary, the presence of the human researchers on the Moon will be guaranteed. This was stated by the head of ROSCOSMOS Vladimir Popovkin speaking at the 37th Academic Royal Readings.
Unknown Sentient Powers Exhibition Opens in Moscow
The exhibition Unknown Sentient Powers by two modern artists Elena Elagina and Igor Makarevich has started in Moscow.
The First Space Launch From Baikonur In 2013 Is Scheduled For February 5
The first space launch in 2013 is pre-scheduled for February 5: the carrier rocket "Soyuz-2.1a" with the upper stage rocket "Fregat" is to put six low-orbit communication satellites "Globalstar-2" into orbit.
New Space Expedition Is Set to Launch from Baikonur
Russia’s Soyuz TMA-06M spacecraft with the International Space Station’s (ISS) Expedition 33/34 is planned to launch from the Baikonur space center on Tuesday afternoon.
First Russian Private Satellite to Be Launched in 2013
First Russia's satellite designed and constructed by a private company will be launched next year, Dauria Aerospace head Mikhail Kokorich told RBK Daily.
Russia to Carry Out Four Lunar Mission Before 2020
Russia will start building an unmanned base on the Moon after 2025, as a hit of a big Russia's lunar program.
Russian Cosmonauts Successfully Complete Spacewalk
Russia's crew members of the International Space Station, Gennady Padalka and Yury Malenchenko, completed a six-hour spacewalk having carried out all planned tasks.
Russian Space Agency Offers a Tender for Moon Rocket Design
Russia's Roscosmos space agency has announced a ten-million ruble ($300,000) tender for a Moon rocket design.
Progress Space Freighter Re-docks with ISS
At the second attempt, the Russian Progress M-15M re-docked with the the International Space Station (ISS) with the help of a new rendezvous system on Sunday.
The Next "Soyuz" Space Flight Date Is Announced
The nearest launch of the Russian "Soyuz" manned spacecraft is scheduled on October 15, 2012.
Progress Freighter Failed to Dock with Space Station
The re-docking of the Russian Progress 47 resupply spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS) has been postponed till July 29 due to an apparent failure.
No Moon Missions for Russia until 2018
Russia's projected manned spacecraft capable of flights to the moon will not fly until 2018, the head of Russia's space agency, Roscosmos, Vladimir Popovkin, said on Wednesday.
Russian "Soyuz" Spacecraft Docks with ISS
Russia’s Soyuz TMA-05M spacecraft successfully docked with the International Space Station (ISS) on Tuesday, July 17.
Russian Spacecraft With Space Station Crew Reached Orbite
A Russian Soyuz spacecraft with three new crewmembers, launched from the Baikonur Space Center to the International Space Station (ISS), reached intermediate orbit.
First Woman in Space Marks 75th Birthday
Today, on March 6, a Soviet cosmonaut, the USSR's hero and the world's first spacewoman, Valentina Tereshkova, celebrates her 75th birthday.
Russian Cosmonauts Spent Over 6 Hours in Deep Space
On Thursday, two Russian cosmonauts ventured outside the International Space Station (ISS) to fulfill some of the necessary tasks under the Russian space program.
Space Debris Fall on Residential Places in Russia
Three more fragments of the space vehicle Meridian wrecked on December, 23rd, 2012 have been found in Ordynsky District of the Novosibirsk Region in the first week of January.
Quasicrystal Arrived in Russia from Open Space
So-called natural quasicrystals, found in Russian Koryak Mountains (Chukotka), arrived at our planet from the open space.
Old American Satellite May Fall Down on Moscow
American Space Agency warns that Moscow is within the radius of falling of the old American research satellite UARS’ fragments, Interfax reports.
“RUSALKA” Experiment Performed at ISS
Today ISS crew will test a technique for measuring concentrations of greenhouse gases in atmosphere from a near-earth orbit by means of “RUSALKA” (“mermaid”) device.
Smart Coatings for Rockets and Aircrafts
Researchers from Russia created nano-coatings for rocket nozzles and important components of combat aircrafts.
Russian Telescope to Perform Star Census
New space telescope, designed in Russia, will be installed at International space station for scanning the sky and collecting data for a new star catalogue.
Creating New Satellite Communication System: RosCosmos’s Contest
Russian space agency announced a contest for design of a new multifunctional system of personal satellite communication and data transfer from low-orbit space vehicles, RosCosmos’s website says.
ISS: Life after 2020
Neither Russian Federal Space Agency, nor other participants of the International space station programme plan to submerge the station in 2020, Russian authorities recently told mass-media.
Russia Plans to Fly to Mercury by 2019
While American scientists do their best to explore our red neighbour, Russian researchers appear to be ready to conquer another planet – Mercury.
Russian Device to Tell about Water on Mars
Russian neutron detector DAN will travel to Mars aboard NASA’s Mars rover “Curiosity” and tell scientists about hydrological processes, which had taken place on the Red planet, and water content changes on a geological timescale.
RadioAstron Project: Mirror Opening Successful
Two days ago a mirror of a space radiotelescope, installed aboard “Spektr-R” space vehicle, was successfully opened.
Another Comet Discovered by Russian Scientists
Russian astronomers officially announced the discovery of a new short-period comet, which was named P/2011 NO1. This is the second comet, discovered by the Russians within recent seven months.
Astrophysical Observatory Launched
Unique astrophysical observatory “Spektr-R” has been launched today from Baikonur launching site. The research programme is called “RadioAstron”.
Yuri Gagarin Monument Graces Trafalgar Square
A monument to Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, was opened in London on July 14, 2011.
New Observatories for Russian Astronomers
Russian astronomers will bring back to life projects, suspended during Soviet times.
Russian Spacecraft to Clean the Orbit
Russian engineers plan to use a manned spacecraft of a new generation for satellite repair and collection of large space debris, which invade Earth’s orbit.
A Spacewalk Scheduled for August 2011
Another spacewalk of Russian crewmembers of the ISS is scheduled for August 2011.
Aviation and Space Forum Opens Today
This year the aviation and space forum in Samara, opening today, will be dedicated to 50th anniversary of first ever manned mission to space.
Radio Telescope Satellite to Be Launched in July
Today a “Spektr-R” satellite, carrying a 10-meter radio telescope “Radioastron”, travels to Baikonur for preparations of a launch, scheduled for July 18, 2011.
Space Graffiti to be Drawn in Chelyabinsk
Chelyabinsk artists have decided to set a world record by drawing the world’s largest picture, with the area of 300 sq. meters.
How Space Affects Human Bones
The crew of the International space station will study the problem of calcium removal from bones during long-term space flights.
Full Moon Eclipse to Happen Tonight
First full Moon eclipse in 2011 will happen tonight. Astrophysicists are getting ready for that.
New Space Ship for Sun Monitoring to Appear
Russian physicists will soon end developing a new type of space ships for monitoring the Sun from a very close distance – less than Mercury’s orbit.

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