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City Hunter: the Oddest Moscow Monuments
November 10, 2011 16:00

The monument to famous Russian cheese "Druzhba" ("Friendship")

Some Moscow monuments are so odd...and so inexplicable...and so funny...

The Cheese “Druzhba” (“Friendship”)
You are not mistaken – this is a monument to cheese. Not to Edam or Camembert, but to famous Russian melted cheese “Druzhba”. Moscow cheese factory “Karat” took the initiative and in 2005 the sculpture was opened during the Second Moscow Cheese festival.
The main motif of the composition is a well-known fable “The fox and the crow”, written by Russian author Ivan Krylov. The animals are sitting embraced on a stump, tenderly holding a piece of their favourite food item. The monument is a symbol of peace and harmony. Newlyweds even have a tradition to visit this sculpture so that young family always remain strong and united.
Address: the monument first stood at the intersection of Ogorodny proezd and Rustaveli street, but in 2011 it was moved closer to the factory “Karat” (19, Rustaveli street).

The Big Stool
This monument is situated near the Museum of Furniture, displaying interiors of XVIII-XX centuries. The museum is placed in the main house of former estate, owned by two brothers, successful merchants – manufacturer G. Ipatyev and nobleman N. Arshenevsky.
In front of the mansion there is a big three-meter chair with a nameplate “The monument to the first Russian stool”. Don't try to sit on it, it's not easy and it's forbidden.
Address: 13, Taganskaya street, “Taganskaya” or “Marksistskaya” metro station.

Student omens
This odd composition, opened in 2008, includes two bronze shoes, student's record book and a 5 kopeks Russian coin. All these items are placed on a red granite surface with engraved names of famous Moscow universities.
There is a famous Russian superstition – put 5 kopeks coin under your left heel and you will pass your exam. Now it is not necessary, you can just visit this monument.
The sculpture helps to turn your luck around and there are several ways to do it:

  • “Put on” bronze shoes and throw a coin into the centre of the monument
  • Stand on “5 kopeks” (part of this composition) and throw your coin so that it falls on the engraved name of your university.

And of course don't forget to put your student's record book to its bronze prototype.
Address: the Park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, “Maryino” metro station.

The Palms
You could find many-coloured palms in the Park 50 years of October. The composition was placed here in 2008 during the annual flower festival as one of the most creative monuments. The official name of the sculpture is “My family” and the palms have become a symbol of love, friendship and unity.
Address: the Park 50 years of October, “Prospekt Vernadskogo” metro station.

"Rebellious utilities"
There is absolutely inexplicable sculpture near the entrance of one Moscow banks “Metrobank”. A strange installation of pipes and taps is crawling out of the manhole. The name of the monument is “Rebellious utilities” and you can make guesses about the meaning. The bank considers the sculpture to be its symbol, but why?
Sculptor: Kirill Andreev.
  Address: 8B, Mozhaisky Val street, “Kievskaya” metro station. 

The Egg
The attracion of Moscow Technical Lyceum ¹1501 is a huge egg, situated in the courtyard. The monument is directly connected with the emblem of the school. The authors of this sculpture compares this Lyceum with a brood hen that warms up eggs and teaches her chicks to take first steps in scientific knowledge. Somebody can think it is very odd. 
Address: 3, Tikhvin Lane, "Mendeleevskaya” metro station.

Natalia Semicheva
Image courtesy: Liveinternet, Wikimapia,,, Livejournal, www.


Author: Natalia Semicheva

Tags: City Hunter Moscow Moscow monuments Russian tourism  

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