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10 Best Things to Do in St. Petersburg
September 26, 2019 17:23


There are so many things to do and admire in St. Petersburg that you don’t really know what to try first. Keep calm,   we have prepared a selection of 10 must do things, so start planning your route and enjoy it.

1. Walks along rivers and canals

Absolutely everyone should go on a boat trip along the canals of St. Petersburg and look at the city from the water. The most important thing is to choose an excursion in advance.  For example, during the day you can go on a trip along the Griboedov Canal, and in the evening try a river walk  to explore the bridges.

2. Well-courtyards 

The visiting card of St. Petersburg is well-yards.  One of the most famous and beautiful is the courtyard of the house of Bak. Here you will see galleries that connect one part of the house with another, and if you can go inside, you can admire the old stained-glass windows and even visit the floor where there used to be an underground casino. By the way, this house is also known for having its own souvenir products, symbols, and from time to time, excursions are conducted around the courtyard and the house itself. In general, walking around the city center, you can easily find many interesting yards. Do not be afraid to look into the arches and turn where the soul desires.

3. Famous museums

St. Petersburg is called the cultural capital of Russia, so visiting a couple of interesting museums or galleries is an obligatory part of any tourist’s program.

"Hermitage Museum"

Address: 38, Palace Embankment
In addition to visiting a variety of exhibits, exploring the Hermitage gives you the opportunity to walk through such historical buildings as the Winter Palace, the Reserve House of the Winter Palace and others.


Address: Universitetskaya emb., 3
A rare tourist has not heard of the legendary Kunstkamera. If you plan to follow the classic tourist route, then the Kunstkamera is a must. By the way, the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences is known not only for its huge collection of cabinet of rarities, but also for the fact that it is the oldest museum in Russia. You can not only see amazing exhibits, but also walk along the corridors of the first museum building in Russia.

Russian Museum

Address: st. Engenernaya, 4
The Russian Museum is another important item in the program of any guest of the Northern capital. In the Mikhailovsky Palace and Benois building, a collection of 400,000 exhibits is presented, and you can learn a lot about the history and  Russian art.

4. Legendary entrance halls

Walking around the yards, take the opportunity and look at some of the entrance halls. Some of them are still able to take you back to the past, while others can plunge you into an unusual atmosphere.

If you find yourself in the well-yard of Bernstein’s apartment building, be sure to go into its entrance hall. Walk along the high and wide stairs, and admire the walls decorated with turquoise bricks. The entire front door is decorated in a floral style - on the walls you can see ornaments with water lilies and lilies.

5. A walk in the parks and gardens

The city is full of   parks. In summer and autumn, it’s great to sit with a book or drink coffee, and most of the parks bear historical value and you can admire monuments and elegant fountains there.

If you do not like to sit on benches, but prefer to lie on the lawn, then the Field of Mars is perfect for you. Previously, military exercises, a guard parade, and festivities took place in this 9-hectare park. Now both local residents and city guests are happy to rest here. 

Not far from the Peter and Paul Fortress there is one of the oldest parks in the city - Alexandrovsky. You can come here for peace and beauty. You can just sit on a bench with a book, take a walk along an elegant bridge and enjoy the flowers.   

And for those who love fountains, the Summer Garden of Peter I is suitable. It was built back in 1704. It's great to walk around, looking at ancient sculptures, fountains and imagining yourself as the hero of a romantic novel.

6. The city from the roof

A rare Petersburger has not been to local roofs. Here, walks on the roofs have long become a classic entertainment for both locals and guests of the capital. Brave  guides take many tourists to the roofs and tell about the history of the city  showing its best views. 

7. The Art Nouveau of the Petrograd Side

The Petrograd side is known among architecture lovers as an open-air museum of northern Art Nouveau. Here you can plunge into the atmosphere of classical European cities and admire unusual houses.

For example, you can start your study of the famous Petrograd Art Nouveau from Austrian Square. Walk through the yards on this square - most of them have been standing here since 1903. They are made in the style of classical Art Nouveau - balconies with wrought-iron grates, turrets and  floral ornaments. 

One of the most famous houses of the Petrograd district is the House with owls. Back in 1912, it received a silver medal at the facade competition.    

In general, in order to see the unique architecture and enjoy the atmosphere of the Petrograd side, you can just walk any direction.  

8. The mysterious Vasilievsky island

Vasilievsky Island is the largest in all of St. Petersburg.   It was planned to equip the city center here, but this did not happen. This area quickly became one of the most mysterious and mystical. In order to immerse yourself in the legendary mysterious atmosphere of Vasilyevsky Island, be sure to go through its yards.   Go to the University Embankment, and not far from it  you will find the famous Strelka of Vasilyevsky Island and the bright Rostral Columns. Walking along the promenade you can not only enjoy the picturesque views, but also see the figures of the sphinxes, which, unlike all the other sphinxes of the city, really belong to the art of Ancient Egypt. Vasilievsky Island is also known for its wide roads and streets.

9. Imperial residence, Tsarskoye Selo and Vyborg

If you find yourself in St. Petersburg for a few days, then take advantage of the opportunity and go on a short trip - out of town. A huge number of tourists come to Peterhof annually. You can safely come here both in summer and in winter. In the summer you can admire the magnificent fountains, and in the winter take a walk along the snow-strewn alleys and parks.  It is worth noting that this state museum reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Looking for something more European? Go to Vyborg. This city is full of traditional Swedish and Finnish architecture, as well as the Art Nouveau of the early XX century. Here you can visit the real estate of the burgher, look at the old Vyborg castle and dine in the restaurant, which is located in the ancient round tower.

10. The best ending of the day

Choose the  traditional entertainment - drawbridges. If you are not afraid of crowds of tourists, then you can go to one of the embankments. But we recommend enjoying this sight from the deck of a boat or sitting in a restaurant with a picturesque view. 

We hope that our list will help you navigate in St. Petersburg, and you can easily find entertainment for yourself, regardless of the weather.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: St. Petersburg Peterhof Hermitage   

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