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St. Petersburg Parks: Central Park of Culture and Leisure on the Yelagin Island
October 26, 2019 17:29


It is one of the largest parks in St. Petersburg, combining everything that you could wish for a joyful family vacation. Unlike the majority of such parks, the entrance to the Central Park of Culture and Leisure is paid on weekends and holidays, but this price is fully paid off through pleasant impressions of the clean and well-maintained territory. 

During a visit to the  park you can do the following things:

Visit the Museum of Russian Decorative and Applied Art and Interior Design of XVIII-XX centuries located in the Yelagin Palace. Get in touch with past epochs by viewing household items and furniture of that time.

Ride on roller skates, scooters, bicycles, segways. The territory of the park has several rental centres.

Feed numerous squirrels of the Yelagin Island. Beautiful red-haired animals get along with park visitors quite well - they are not afraid to take snacks directly from people’s hands, posing for photos.

You can travel around Yelagin Island on a row boat. The park has a boating station with all the necessary equipment.

Look at the interesting animals and birds in the mini zoo in the western part of the park. An imperial pheasant with splendid feathers, funny donkeys and real deer with branching horns cause admiration not only of children, but also of adult park visitors.

Have fun in the rope adventure park. This children's entertainment is absolutely safe: experienced attentive instructors work there.

The park on the Yelagin Island is one of the most interesting places for children in St. Petersburg. In addition to all things offered by this cultural and entertainment site, its location is also attractive. The famous “Divo Ostrov” amusement park is located at a distance of only 300 meters from it: more than 50 attraction rides are ready to entertain adults and kids - from the highest ferris wheel in St. Petersburg (as high as 55 meters!) to crazy roller coasters and a sky swing.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: St. Petersburg St. Petersburg parks    

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