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Travel by Train from St. Petersburg to Pskov
August 27, 2018 17:01


A high-speed train has been launched between St. Petersburg and Pskov. Now a trip between the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation takes only 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Trains "Lastochka" No. 809/810 of Premium configuration will run daily with  five cars sets. The  "Lastochka" train No. 809 departs from the Baltic station in St. Petersburg at 06:55 am and arrives in Pskov at 10:25 am on the same day. From Pskov, the "Lastochka" train No. 810 will depart at 06:00 am and arrive in the Baltic station of St. Petersburg at 09:30 am on the same day.

Book Tours in St.Petersburg

On the way there are stops at the stations Gatchina-Varshavskaya, Luga and Strugi Krasnye.

Particular attention is paid to the passengers with disabilities: there are two lifts for wheelchairs, allowing to land / disembark  low-mobility groups of passengers, including from low platforms.

In total, 3 classes of train service are available to passengers: business class, economy class and basic tourist class. Passengers will spend up to six hours on the way, while overcoming the distance of about 600 kilometers. Travel time will be 12 hours and purpose-oriented distances – up to 1.2 – 1.5 thousand kilometers. 

Choose Excursions in St.Petersburg


Pskov is a cozy old city, a monument of ancient Russian architecture with a 2000-year history. Its ancient fortresses, cathedrals and architectural ensembles are known   the world over. Pskov absorbed the history and traditions of the Russian land, and became one of the spiritual centers of Russia. The Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga and her grandson, the baptizer of Russia Prince Vladimir were born in these places. The heart of Pskov is the impregnable Kremlin, well preserved until our time.

People come here not only to wander walking through the old streets, but also to bow to holy places. On the Pskov land operates the Holy Dormition Pskovo-Pechersky Monastery - one of the largest Orthodox male monasteries with a cave complex. Prayer service in it lasts from the day of its foundation - 550 years. In the Pskov region there is the Izborsk fortress - from its walls an impressive view of the valley and Geravie lake opens. Just an hour's drive south of Pskov, there is the Pushkin Reserve, where the famous poet lived and worked.

Traditional Pskov crafts are, first of all, hand forging - forged candlesticks, staples and many other blacksmith's products. Amazing pottery: pots, mugs, whistles, handmade toys. All this can be found in souvenir shops. 

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In the Chambers of the Menshikovs - one of the noteworthy civilian buildings of the first half of the 17th century, you can visit the exhibition of paintings by Pskov artists and buy traditional Pskov ceramics and clay products.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: St. Petersburg Pskov Russian Railways Travel to Russia  

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