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Rural Tourism in Russia
July 5, 2020 03:10


Rural tourism in Russia continues to develop, and in many villages you can rent a room or a house to take a break from everyday life in the city. Fresh air, communication with nature, organic vegetables and fruits, simple physical work, acquaintance with local sights will help.

Fans of discovering something new choose places where life in the village can be combined with visiting monasteries, estates, museums and other attractions. Fresh vegetables straight from the garden, apples from the tree, fragrant strawberries and raspberries - many townspeople go to the village for this. And also for natural dairy products, fresh meat, honey from an apiary and chicken eggs.

Rural tourism is a kind of recreation that allows the townspeople to join the traditional way of life of rural residents:

● Someone stays in a mini-hotel in the countryside, someone rents a room in the house.

● Craftsmen show master classes.

● Local history museums operate in many regions.

● Eco-farms invite you to visit production areas where they make homemade cheese, sausage, bake homemade bread, etc.

You can choose the direction that is closer to you. If you prefer to relax alone - rent a house to cook yourself   the freshest and most environmentally friendly products. If you want to completely immerse yourself in the life of the villagers, look for options with the organization of accommodation, meals and leisure. If you are interested in cultural features - choose settlements with developed folk crafts. The classic version of agritourism is the temporary transformation of a city dweller into a rural one. The citizen becomes a full participant in all the events that take place in the village. He lives in a house where amenities can be outside. Takes care of animals: milks goats, cows, cleans up after them, feeds, works in the garden and vegetable garden, helps to cook food. And after a hard day's work he takes a steam bath. However, no one forces you to overwork - the main thing is that the work is a pleasure.

In your free time, you can go for mushrooms and berries, go fishing, swim in a local water reservoir. You can spend the night in the open air or in the hayloft. Fans of discovering something new choose places where life in the village can be combined with visiting monasteries, estates, museums and other attractions.

For example, in the Rostov region, in the village of Budennovskaya, a museum dedicated to Budenny, the creator of the 1st Cavalry Army, has been opened. And in the village of Romanovskaya, Volgodonsk region, they created a miniature model of a Cossack settlement in the open air. There you can see how the Cossacks lived in the pre-revolutionary period.

Culinary pleasure

Fresh vegetables straight from the garden, apples from the tree, fragrant strawberries and raspberries - many townspeople go to the village for this. And also for natural dairy products, fresh meat, honey from an apiary and chicken eggs. Eco-farms offer excursions where you can watch pets, take part in making cheese, baking cakes on a tandoor, bread in a Russian oven, and taste dishes of national cuisines of the peoples of Russia. Eco-farms also hold themed holidays and events. This type of recreation is also interesting for children.

Village of a new format

In Russia, rural tourism is presented in an unconventional form - in the form of settlements, where conditions have been created for comfortable living in the bosom of nature. There are often tourist attractions nearby. For example, in the Moscow region, the team of the Flacon design plant has created the Village project, where you can live, work and relax. Every summer all kinds of festivals, master classes, and holidays are held here. Nearby is the Borodino field, the museum of peasant and military life, the airborne city "Mozhaisky".

Different regions

Rural tourism services are officially provided by more than 4,000 objects, and unofficially - dozens of times more. The most popular are the Altai and Krasnodar Territories, the Republic of Karelia, Bashkortostan, the Vologda, Belgorod, Kaluga, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod and Pskov Regions.

The Voskresensk District of the Nizhny Novgorod Region was the first in Russia to successfully pass certification according to the international standard. Since 2005, it  has the status of an ecologically clean area. In Altai, the only Russian Association "Peasant Hospitality" has been created - part of an international association, which includes only rural guest houses that have passed a rigorous selection.

Rural tourism is actively developing between Moscow and St. Petersburg. In the villages of the Yaroslavl region, you can visit various master classes in folk crafts. For example, the village of Ves'kovo invites you to a master class on painting gingerbread and wooden toys. In the vicinity of Uglich, guest houses have been opened, where you can come to relax in nature, go fishing. The city itself is famous for its private museums of dolls, teapots, bicycles. There are more than 30 of them.

Here is the list of the most attractive villages in Russia:

● The village of Vyatskoye in the Yaroslavl region is the most beautiful village. It houses more than 50 architectural monuments of the 18th – 19th centuries,  and10 museums.

● The village of Uvek is the most interesting historical area located on the southern outskirts of Saratov. The Golden Horde city of Ukek was built in the 50s of the XIII century. The festival of historical reconstruction “Ukek. One day in the life of a medieval city" is held here.

● The happiest village is Esso in the Kamchatka Territory. It is located on the border with the tundra, and thanks to the thermal springs, vegetables and even grapes can be grown here. Festivals are regularly held here.

● Varzuga is the oldest village in the Murmansk region, 600 years old. The main attraction is the wooden tent-roofed Assumption Church, built in 1674 without a single nail. And the abundance of fish attracts fishing enthusiasts.

● Teriberka is the most severe village on the shores of the Barents Sea in the Murmansk region. It became popular after the movie "Leviathan". Now it hosts an annual Arctic festival.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: ecotourism Russian cuisine Russian villages travel to Russia Russian regions 

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