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SPA in Russia
March 12, 2008 16:30

There are a great number of different resorts in Russia where travellers can improve their health, to feel refreshment of mind and body, to take care about the appearance, and simply relax in a good way – without alcohol, noisy parties, and tiring sleepless nights. In Russia such recreation zones are still often called with a long name of “balneological resorts” while in the world for long already has been used a short word – spa.

According to one of the versions concerning origins of this word, Spa was a small resort city in Belgium that was considered to be ultra-popular in the 19th century. Men and women from all around Europe came to that resort to improve their health and get treatment of the nervous system disorders. In Russia of those times such resorts were called “recreation on waters”. The main feature of the Spa resort was its curative springs with mineral water. Later the word Spa turned into a common noun for defining any place where people come to have a rest and improve their health. Springs with mineral water became main distinguishing attribute of a spa resort.

It is possible to find spa resorts all around Russia: in Moscow and the Moscow Region, in the Caucasus, in Altai and Ural. However, the most popular spa resorts of Russia are the cities of the Caucasus Mineral Waters: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, and Essentuki, and also spa resorts at the Black Sea: in Anapa, Sochi, Gelendzhik, and Tuapse.

Pyatigorsk is situated in Central Caucasus and is a popular balneological resort due to it has mineral springs within the city and in the suburban areas. It is also famous for being a producer of the famous Narzan mineral water, which is used for curing diseases of the digesting system, liver and kidneys. The local nature in Pyatigorsk is favourable for many kinds of leisure.

Kislovodsk is also one of the most famous resorts in the eco-resort region of the Caucasus Mineral Waters. It is situated within a 15-minute drive from Pyatigorsk. The climate in Kislovodsk is favourable for curing cardiovascular diseases as the atmospheric pressure here is stable during the year. Multiple sanatoriums of the city have gone through modernisation and now many of them can offer maximum comfort and a modern level of medical service to the most demanding customers.

Essentuki is another famous balneological resort and mineral water supplier in Russia. The central recreation zone in Essentuki is the Resort Park. It occupies over 60 hectares and has many sanatoriums, health-centres, and the famous mineral water springs Essentuki-17 and Essentuki-20. The local health-centres are popular with both Russian and foreign tourists.

The modern lifestyle dictates its terms and nowadays it is prestigious to be healthy. That is why the Russian tourism industry gradually reaches the world standards of spa recreation organization. A modern spa complex includes a hotel, multiple cabinets of spa-therapy, spa-massage, etc.

Moscow remains the centre of the spa-movement in Russia. Here there are a great number spa salons and specialized centres. The world leading travel operators, such as Hilton, Marriott, and other have opened spa in Moscow and the Moscow Region.

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Lavrentyeva Natalya

Tags: Russian tourist destinations Stavropol Territory Mineralnye Vody   

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