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The Call of the Tiger
December 2, 2014 02:59


"The Call of the Tiger" National Park opened in 2008. However, even 20 years before the Far East scholars have pointed to the need for a creation of protected area here. Originally the park was planned to be called Verkhne-Ussuriyskiy. Among the main objectives of the park is preservation and restoration of natural, historical and cultural complexes and objects; environmental education and the creation of conditions for controlled tourism.

"The Call of the Tiger" park’s area is 82 thousand hectares wide. The park is a home to many rare and valuable species of mammals endemic in the southern Far East. There is no territory in Russia equal to this one in species diversity of rare predators and ungulates.

Predators are represented here by Siberian tiger, Siberian forest cat, lynx, mink, brown and Himalayan black bear, etc. Among artiodactyls are wild boar, Manchurian wapiti, sika deer, roe deer, goral and musk deer. 6 mammal species are listed as endangered. One of them is "the master of taiga" Siberian tiger.

The park flora is surprisingly diverse. Here grow both contemporary and representatives of relict kinds of plants, which appeared in the early Cenozoic. In the Milogradovka River basin are preserved cedar forests that are no longer present virtually anywhere on the planet.

There can be found cedars with age estimated at 400 years or more and girth as wide as two men's outstretched arms.

The climate in “The Call of the Tiger" Park is continental with pronounced monsoon characteristics. The warmest month in coastal areas is August with average temperature of 19,2 ° C, in the central area is July with 18,1 ° C. On the mountain slopes of Kievka and Chornaya Rivers warmest months respectively are July (21,4 ° C) and August (21,3 ° C). The lowest temperatures throughout the territory were reported in January: from -12 ° C on the coast to -20,9 ° C in the central part of the park. Most precipitations fall in summer: in the first half are frequent drizzles; heavy rains and showers are more typical for the second half. Everyone is welcome to visit the park at any time of the year: a tourist will always find something to do there.

The abundance of natural attractions boggles the mind. So, in the park is the site of Oblachnaya Mountain: the highest in the Primorye (1854 meters above sea level), although it is not located on the Krai's main ridge (Sikhote-Alin).

Sestra Mountain (1671 m) and Brat Rock (1402 meters) are unique with the ridge stretching between their summits, topped with giant (up to 15-30 meters) rocky buttes. The wind and the sun not only polished the walls of these buttes, but also "drilled" holes and all sorts of recesses inside of them, giving the buttes most bizarre forms. The tourists call them "Dragon Teeth".

Another interesting mountains are Lysaya (1,560 meters) topped by numerous rocks and Snezhnaya, one of the highest peaks of Sikhote-Alin (1682 meters). Primorye's largest river Ussuri flows out of its slopes.

Milogradovka is considered the most beautiful river of Primorsky Krai. It flows down from the slopes of the Sikhote-Alin and cutting a canyon on its slopes, rushes to the sea, now crushing down as waterfalls,  jumping over the colored boulders and rocky shores: Blue and Pink rapids (Devil's Bridge tract).

Milogradovskiy (or Divny) is Primorye's largest waterfall in the discharge of falling water. Here, the river falls from a 7-meter vertical ledge.

National park's unique place is Muta tract. This swampy plain is covered with larch forest which is part of the Sikhote-Alin ridge. The plain smoothly turns into the Ussuri River valley with its northern edge, but the southern one suddenly stops with Milogradovka river canyon's rocky walls.

Oblachnaya Mountain, the highest peak of the Primorsky Territory is located in "The Call of the Tiger" park in Chuguyivskiy District, was thought to be magical since old times. The stories about flying creature that scares people with its cries reminding female screams are still actual. Locals say that the creature looks like a man with membranous bat wings.

Others argue that mountain is home for a huge bird that takes away people. Some believe that the locals describe Chinese dragons, once really inhabiting the Sikhote-Alin caves. There is another legend, which states that long time ago on Oblachnaya mountain existed a highly developed country and this is why dolmens were supposedly preserved there.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Ecotourism Russian National Parks    

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