When it was fashionable to turn the rivers back and do the man-made sea, Yumaguzinskoye water reservoir project was come up. It was assumed that the water reservoir built near the homonymous hydroelectric station will allow providing water supply to the regions of the Bashkir Trans-Urals, as well as the cities: Sterlitamak, Salavat and Ishimbay.
In addition, in the case of large-scale flood the water reservoir will stop flooding in towns and villages on the banks of the River Belaya. From the flood zone the inhabitants of villages were evacuated. The environmentalists anxiously have counted what would happen if the water would go farther than intended during commissioning.
In 1989, the reservoir, which was then called Ishtuganovskoye (after the name of the nearest town), was decided after all not to be built – the environmental movement intervened in the process. However, Trans-Urals suffered from drought, and in 1998 the works were renewed.
In 2004 the reservoir was filled with water. It turned out to be small and the surface area was of about 36 square kilometers. At the opening they solemnly cut the ribbon ... - and, in fact, it was everything.
In Bashkiria, excluding Yumaguzinskoye, there are two large reservoirs - Pavlovskoye and Nurimanovskoye. Both are considered the major touristic centers with hostels, tents, cafes and kiosks. Weekend tours and shuttle service are offered. Yumaguzinskoye reservoir is another thing. First, it is necessary to get here: there are no buses, and go by car is a special adventure. Breaking through the roads, filling out of passes (it is obligatory!) and finding yourself on a shore the brave travelers will not see crowds of fellow-travelers, not hear the roar of the provincial discos and not feel the resort barbecue flavor. All this does not exist here.
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Author: Anna Dorozhkina