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International Tourism Day: A Recap on Russian Tourism Types
September 27, 2012 16:49


To celebrate the International Tourism Day, we compiled a list of past articles telling about all different types of tourism in Russia. From adventure tourism to historical reconstruction, eco- to spa-tourism, Russia has a plenty to offer to every age, gender, and wallet.

Derelict buildings as a tourist purpose: industrial tourism in Russia.

Ice-diving in Karelia: high season despite winter

Adventure tourism in Russia 

Ethnographical tourism in Russia

Baikal freeride

Dog sleds tours in Russia

Russian baths: ethno spa

Russian North snowmobile safari: Kalevala, Kizhi and beauty of Polar Night

Ecotourism in Russia

Hunting and fishing in Russia

Horse riding holidays in Russia

Military tourism

Backpacking in Russia

Mystical Moscow: a Walk with Ghosts

Ornithological Travel in Russia: to See 170 Bird Species and Pay

If there is any type of tourism that we did not mention but you want to know about, just leave a comment below! 

Author: Julia Shuvalova

Tags: Russian tourism adventure tourism Active Travel   

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