The most common air transportation problem that may occur during the trip is flight delay. According to the new regulations of the Ministry of Transport of Russia expected to come into force by the end of 2007, air companies are obliged to meet some engagements. In case of a flight delay lasting longer than 2 hours air companies will provide passengers with refreshment drinks; if a delay lasts 4 hours or more passengers will get hot meals, besides, passengers with children under 12 can use the service of the room for mother with children. If a flight is delayed for more than 8 hours in day-time and more than 6 hours at night, passengers will be provided with accommodation in a hotel including transfer to and from the hotel.
Charter flights` delays are normally not within air companies` responsibility as the flight is organized by a tour operator. In case of a long flight delay passengers can claim partial compensation of the trip package. In order to confirm the delay passengers must get a mark or a conformation paper at the airport. It is also possible to put a time mark on the plane ticket after the arrival to the destination airport. However, it is hard to get any compensation if a flight delay is caused by problems not depending on the air company or tour operator (for instance, non-flying weather).
Sometimes a passenger may loose their return-trip plane ticket during the trip: in this case they should contact a representative office of the air company. If the surname of the passenger is found in the passengers` list, it is possible to get a ticket duplicate.
One more unpleasant thing that may happen during the trip is missed baggage. There is hardly an air company which has never lost passengers` baggage. Sometimes it happens due to the fault of the air company, sometimes – due to the airport’s fault. If you haven’t found your baggage straight after the arrival to the airport, first of all you should apply to a representative of the flight’s air company (the location of the air company’s office you can learn the information desk at the airport). After handing them your baggage-check they will make up a protocol confirming that your baggage hasn’t arrived to the destination airport. If the baggage hasn’t been found within 21 days, a passenger normally gets compensation of 20USD per kilogram of the missed baggage weight.
The attempts to prove that there were any valuables in the baggage are most likely to fail; this is why it is recommended to insure all valuable things beforehand or, which is even better, to take them aboard.
However, if the baggage is not missing but you have found it damaged and any of your things stolen you should also apply to the air company, show them your plane ticket with the baggage-check, and describe the stolen things in detail. As a proof you can also assert your damaged bag or unlocked (cut) packing-case. The air company must draw up a statement of fact of theft and direct it to their central office to estimate the sum of compensation you must get.
Lavrentyeva Natalya