How to return a ticket if you are outside of Russia?
If you are not in Russia and want to return your train ticket, follow the instructions below.
Russian Train Tickets Booking
Contact the ticket office in the country where you are. Submit the ticket on the form of JSC Russian Railways (that was received in advance on the territory of the Russian Federation) and the identity document specified in the order. The cashier will issue a form with a ticket cancellation note.
Book Tours to Russia
Please contact the refund office of JSC Russian Railways in the territory of Russia within 6 months after the departure of the train. Submit the received ticket cancelation form, paper ticket and passport.
If you are outside of Russia, then the procedure for refunding the ticket is the same, no matter the train goes to foreign countries or inside Russia. If you want to return a ticket over Russia, you can do this only in the CIS and Baltic countries (Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia).
Book air tickets to Russia
Before departure of the train from your station it is possible to put a note in the ticket in all the ticket offices of any country. After departure you should put a note only at the station of your landing.
Book Transfer from Russian Airports Online
Please note: if you bought a ticket for an international train at the ticket office abroad, then you have to apply for a refund at the same ticket office.
Find more about Russian Railways and travelling by train across Russia...
Author: Anna Dorozhkina