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How to Get from Petrozavodsk to Ruskeala Park
December 4, 2020 17:25


The distance from Petrozavodsk to Ruskeala is 259 km. An absolutely ordinary village is notable for the fact that an incredible mountain park is located 2 km from it. There are several ways to get there, but there is no direct route.

There are few buses to the village of Ruskeala, and more to the neighboring town of Sortavala, where you will have to change trains and then walk. If you go by train through Sortavala, you will have to take care of an overnight stay, since the train arrives in the evening. The retro train to Ruskeala Park, which leaves Sortavala in the morning, is the most original way of getting around. Of course, you shouldn't forget about the alternative options - taxi, transfer and car rental.

Travel time depends on the chosen route. On average, the journey takes from 5-6 to 7-8 hours.

Petrozavodsk - Ruskeala by car

A trip by car will take 4–5 hours, depending on various factors. You should move along the Pryazhinskoe highway through Kolatselga and then along the A-121 highway towards the village of Vyartsilya. Signs are located closer to the park. There is a large parking lot for cars. Distance from Petrozavodsk to Ruskeala by car is 259 km. Not to get lost, set the coordinatesr - 61°56'40.5"N30°34'48.7"E. There are several guest houses and campgrounds in the village of Ruskeala and its surroundings.

Bus Petrozavodsk - Ruskeala

There is a direct bus route No. 531 to  the village of Ruskeala. Departure is from the Petrozavodsk Bus Station at 06:00 daily and at 15:30 on weekdays. Travel time is 4 hours 30 minutes. The ticket price is 830-840 rubles. The distance from the bus stop to the park is 2.5 km. The walk will take approximately 30 minutes. Thus, leaving Petrozavodsk at 6 am, you will be in the park at about 11 am. 

Trains Petrozavodsk - Ruskeala

It makes no sense to travel by rail: the only train arrives in the evening in the city of Sortavala (35 km from the park). However, if there is an intention to spend the night here, then this option is fine. Train No. 160A departs from the Petrozavodsk railway station at 13:54 and arrives at the Sortavala railway station at 19:20. The journey will take 5 hours and 26 minutes.  A ticket to a reserved seat carriage is 830 rubles,  a compartment carriage - 1,000–1,100 rubles, depending on the location of the shelf.  The next morning, you can get from Sortavala to the park by bus (see above),  taxi or   retro train. Let's take a closer look at the last option. The unique steam-powered retro train Ruskeala Express was launched in 2019. As of 2020, it arrives at the Ruskeala Mountain Park temporary railway platform, which is located at the entrance to the park. In the future, it is planned to extend the line, build a turning circle and arrange a new entrance group. From the station in Sortavala, the retro train departs at 10:40 and arrives at the park in 1 hour and 10 minutes. The average travel speed is 40-60 km / h. Please note that the retro train's schedule is coordinated with the arrival of Lastochka from St. Petersburg (arriving at 10:20), so you should take care of tickets in advance. The schedule is subject to change: additional trains are launched during peak months.
The train leaves for Sortavala at 17:30. As the name implies, the interior of the compartment cars is created in the style of the 19th-20th centuries. There is also a restaurant car for passengers, where drinks and traditional pastries are offered. The cost of a ticket for the Sortavala-Ruskeala retro train in 2020 is 299 rubles. There are benefits for children and passengers under 21 and over 60.

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Petrozavodsk Ruskeala Russian railway   


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