A new project called “Kazan City Pass” was launched in Kazan. It was announced in the capital of Tatarstan on the 15-th of May, 2013. The “City Pass” is valid during 14 days since the moment of activation. The pass is issued in two variants – for one and two persons. The cost of a pass for one person – is 1349 roubles, for two persons – 2229 roubles. The owners of the pass can visit 5 of 24 city museums, a city tour including viewing of Kazan Kremlin, use 5 trips by public transportations, and also get discounts in souvenir shops, restaurants and trade centers of the capital of the Republic. It is all for free.
Only holders of passes have an exclusive opportunity to visit Kazan City Hall, where main city events are conducted and see the white Column Hall, where Lev Tolstoy danced.
Also guests can visit the Museum of Kazan Federal University history, where they can sit at the same desk, where Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov-Lenin sat.
A tourist gets a booklet together with the pass. The booklet includes the description and the contact information about all the museums of the city, the way you can visit the city tour, Kazan City Hall and the Museum of Kazan Federal University history. There is information about all the cafes and restaurants, entertainment complexes and souvenir shops that give discounts and bonuses to the holders of the pass. There is a touristic scheme in the center of booklet, where all the establishments which take part in the project are pointed.
You can buy the pass in the offices of Touristic-informational center of Kazan city and in Touristic-informational office in the international airport Kazan (Terminal 1A). And in the near future it will be possible to buy it in the hotels of Kazan city.
You can receive all the information about KAZAN CITY PASS visiting Gokazan.ru on and by tel. num. +7(937) 2-900-900
Author: Anna Dorozhkina