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Iremel: Legends and Local Features
January 11, 2015 11:14


Iremelevy Mountains have been worshiped as sacred since ancient times, and people avoided climbing to their top until our days. According to the legend, a lot of treasures guarded by an ancient people - Chud (or Divyi) - are hidden in the depths of Bolshoy Iremel. It is still believed that the mountain can make wishes come true.

All the tourists who chose to climb the top of Iremel are advised to bring a gift to the spirit of the mountains. There are many travel tales about the spirit of Iremel making fun of its guests. And snowman has been seen in these places many times… 

Local features

Climbing Iremel usually starts from the village of Tyulyuk (Chelyabinsk Oblast) at the foot of Iremelevy Mountains, in the valley of the Yuryuzan River.

There are plenty of tourist centres and guest houses here. Good rewards for a traveler climbing down the mountains are considered Russian bath and local “Iremel” cocktail (balm + vodka in equal proportions). But if you climb from Tyulyuk, you will not see the top of Iremel. As it was rightly noticed by the resident of Tirlyan and the friend of the editorial board Leonid Petrov, if you are interested in beautiful views more than in comfort, better climb Iremel from Beloretsk - Nikolayevka and walk along the ridge of Avalyak towards Maly Iremel. Iremel will stand in the north, the lighting for photography will be the best.

Great pictures of Iremel can be taken from Sinyak. You can go there from the camp near Abarash-Bash, and along the way you will see the amazing forest lakes in the floodplain of Tygyn.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Iremel the Urals Region    

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