(Source: http://subscribe.ru/archive/travel.towatch.beautifulrussia/201602/29203600.html/?fromissue=0)
Once upon a time the Man-Pupu-Nyor pillars were objects of worship of Mansi. There are many legends relating to these wonderful pillars. One of them is described in the book by Professor V.Varsanofeva "Life of Mountains": "Voguls, wandering here with their herds of reindeer, say that once these stone pillars were seven Giants-Samoyeds, who walked through the mountains to Siberia in order to destroy the people of Vogul. But when they reached the top, now called the Man-Pupu-Nyor, their leader, the shaman saw a Yalping-Nyor – a Vogulsky sacred mountain. Horrified, he threw his drum, which fell on a high conical peak, rising to the south of Man-Pupu-Nyor and called as Koypom, that means by Vogulsky a drum. And the shaman and all his companions were petrified with fear".
Scientists believe that Mansi pillars formed by weathering of soft rock from the high mountains, which stood on the place 200-300 million years ago. For millennia rain, snow, wind, cold and heat were gradually destroying the mountains and weathering, washing out and freezing the weak rocks. Farewell rocks consist of a solid sericitic and quartzite slates.
They almost were not destroyed and survived till our time. Six residual outcrops are standing in a row and one is at a distance. They are very similar to human figures, so it is not surprising that Mansi worshiped them. However, rising up to the Man-Pupu-Nyor is considered the greatest sin. Everyone who saw the pillars says that you start to feel an inexplicable feeling of fear with them.
Pillars are good at any time of a year. In winter, they are covered with snow and frost and give an impression of giant crystal structures.
There are fogs often in autumn, and the pillars are enveloped by mysterious haze. In spring and in summer they resemble the stone idols. However, it is not easy to get here. This is a journey for tempered and physically vigorous people. The climate is harsh here. In winter the temperature does not rise above -15C and +18C in summer.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina