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The Polar Ural
June 24, 2016 00:02


Ural is a fabulous region in every sense, it gave birth to a whole mythology, but the Polar Ural fascinates by its very name, and for many people it remains a mystery. This is a real end of the earth, and the places are severe, unpredictable and very beautiful here.

We can say, they are inhumanly beautiful as the main feature of the polar nature remains its pristine, and the people could not or did not have time to tame and transform it. There are no human settlements on the vast area (nearly two million hectares, that is impressive even for a simple glance at the map), which went down in the protected zone of National Park "Yugyd Wa".

People came here to get away from others to pay tribute to the gods or nature spirits, to get something out of the land of wealth. "Yugyd Va" protects and preserves the unbeaten nature. It is the largest national park in Russia, including primordial taiga, mountain, wood tundra and tundra, pristine rivers ( "Yugyd Va" in Komi language means "bright water"), a lot of lakes, cliffs-outcrops of different shapes, alpine meadows, rich flora and fauna.

It is relatively young. It was created in 1994 like the neighboring Pechora-Ilych Nature Reserve, to preserve the main wealth of the Republic of Komi - virgin forests, the so-called "primary boreal". They are the oldest coniferous boreal forests on the continent, which did not survive anywhere else in Europe. They keep not only the memory of the earth itself, but also provide it with oxygen, and support the global ecosystem.

"Virgin Komi Forests" became the first Russian natural facility included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Primordial taiga occupies half of the territory of "Yugyd Va" reserve. A network of touristic hiking trails and routes – of hiking, skiing, water and somewhere of auto road – is created in the vast expanse of the reserve. The places are equipped for camps, tourist shelters are made and camps with houses and baths are built. However, seasoned travelers are unhappy that there not many areas for tents, and they are located inconveniently. However, places are chosen so as to minimize damage to nature, as after all they are specially protected areas.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Ural Komi    

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