Kamen-na-Obi, in the past - Kamen village, is located 160 kilometers to the south-west from Novosibirsk, at the southern tip of the Novosibirsk Reservoir (also known as the Ob Sea).
The town derives its name from the features of the local landscape: here massive rocks of spur of Salair mountain range come to the earth surface. Before the construction of Trans-Siberian line the village Kamen was a major trading hub of Barnaul County. Kamen town appeared in 1915; before the revolution about 15 thousand people lived there. After the revolution the Kamensky County almost nearly became a republic. In 1917 the Bolsheviks seized the power in the city peacefully. Anarchists wanted to achieve the independence from the province, not to deliver the food to the center. After 1919 there were no high-profile events in the city.
Today, Kamen-na-Obi is a quiet and cozy town with a population of just over 40 thousand people. Neighborhood areas of the city are ideal for lovers of ecological tourism. The Ob in this place abounds with islands. Some of them (eg, the Great Sobachiy) are the glory of "anomalous zones". There is Burlinsky Forest in 35 kilometers north from Kamen - the most northerly of the Altai tape pine forests - on the territory of which the Aleussky reserve is located.
Author: Anna Dorozhkina