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Golden Ring: Climate, Events, Cuisine, Souvenirs
February 13, 2019 16:13


The name “Golden Ring” was given to the largest network of tourist routes in Russia, passing through several ancient cities of the country. A large number of historical and architectural monuments, museums, and handicraft centers of applied folk art are concentrated in large and small settlements. 

Climate and season

The climate in the cities of the Golden Ring has pronounced seasonality - it is warm in summer, cold in winter, inclement in autumn and spring. High season is the end of December – beginning of January, when crowds of tourists rush  to celebrate the New Year and Christmas. The winter here is frosty, with crispy snow, without which the tourist attractiveness of cities would have suffered greatly. It is crowded here during  Shrovetide, when people  take part in colorful folk festivals.

The flow of tourists grows in May. Summer is also perfect  for rest.
Holidays and events

The brightest festivities are held in the regions during the New Year and Christmas. In this regard, entertaining programs are arranged in Vladimir, Kostroma, Rostov the Great and Yaroslavl. Full immersion into the atmosphere of fair life is guaranteed on Shrovetide weekend. Celebrations are accompanied by songs,  performances and eating pancakes with dozens of toppings. High demand for the Golden Ring is also during Easter. 

The summer season in  the Golden Ring opens with the May holidays, and continues with night festivities on Ivan Kupala. A spectacular event held on the land of Yaroslavl in July is Balloon Festival.  In the middle of summer, tourists from all over the country come to Suzdal to celebrate the Day of the Cucumber.  

Local Cuisine 

In the cities of the Golden Ring you should definitely try the local gastronomic delights: donuts in Yaroslavl, cheese in Kostroma, mead and cucumbers in Suzdal in all forms - from fresh to pickle, in Rostov Veliky - pike dishes. It is worth noting that in low-cost cafes, they cook in their own way: the food is fresh, the portions are impressive, the prices are democratic - real Russian heartland. 


Handicrafts and souvenirs of the cities of the Golden Ring are not less attractive for travelers than monasteries, temples and museums. In addition to the standard range - all sorts of things with the image of local architectural monuments - almost every town is famous for the exceptional products of its craftsmen. In Kostroma, for example, they make splendid bark things - boxes, caskets and baskets. Also, linen clothes and home textiles are brought from here - regular and embroidered. From Pereslavl-Zalessky it is worth grabbing some wonderful pieces of interior made of carved wood.

Vladimir is known for patchwork, enamel and ornaments made of semiprecious stones, and Suzdal for tapestries. In Ivanovo, pay attention to the products of local weavers - calico and printed fabrics, home and bedroom textiles. Places of the "big" Golden Ring - Kholuy, Mstera, Palekh - are famous all over the world for the art of lacquer miniatures.

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Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Golden Ring tours to Russia Russian souvenirs   

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