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Ecotourism in Russia: The Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve
June 4, 2019 00:09


The Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve lies to the north-west of Vladivostok, in the Shkotovsky and Ussuriysk districts of the Primorsky Territory, and covers an area of ​​over 40 thousand hectares. Practically all this space is covered by deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, the diversity of their vegetation is so great that no other reserve can compete with it on the territory of Russia and even the countries of the former USSR.

The history of the Ussuriysk State Reserve dates back to 1932: then it was called Suputinsky, and its area was less than 17 thousand hectares. In 1973, the reserve received the current name and began to  expand. Now the reserve is known under the name of the famous Russian botanist, Academician Vladimir Leontievich Komarov, who was the first to describe these lands, being fascinated by local forests here in 1913.

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The territory
of the reserve is covered with low and middle mountains - these are the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin (Przhevalsky mountains). Their average height is 300–400 m above sea level, some peaks reach 650–700 m.

The climate in these places is warm and humid with moderately cold, dry winters.

Flora and fauna of the Ussuriysk State Reserve 

Most of the territory is occupied by cedar-broadleaf forests with a rich collection of plants, which has no analogues either in Russia or within the borders of the former USSR. In these forests, in the so-called cedar forests, there are more than 50 species of trees, vines and shrubs, and the diversity of grass cover is truly amazing. There are a lot of rare plants in these places, many of which are listed in the Red Book. Among them are ginseng, solid juniper, mountain peony, Chinese princepia, seven-leafed kalopanax, pointed yew and densely flowered pine.

The Russia Expedition - Winter Trans-Siberian Adventure tour starts in Moscow and ends in Vladivostok. The Russia Expedition - Winter Trans-Siberian Adventure is an Expedition tour for 15 days taking you from Moscow to Vladivostok and through other destinations.

The fauna of the reserve corresponds to the familiar fauna of coniferous-broadleaf and deciduous forests and includes 62 species of mammals, more than 160 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians, and 12 species of fish.

Red deer, musk deer, black bear, badger, wild boar, Siberian column, red-gray vole, squirrel are found here. Birds are represented by hazel grouse,   yellow-throated and gray-headed oatmeal, blue nightingales and woodpeckers. Many of the local birds and animals can also be found on the pages of the Red Book: Eastern Siberian leopard, Amur tiger, Black Stork, Mandarin Duck, Ussuri claw triton. The largest beetle of Russia lives in the reserve - a relict barbel, and several species of magnificent tropical butterflies - Saturnia Artemis, Brahmea Tankre, Maak tailtail.

Tourist parts of the reserve

In 1996, the Ussuriysk endemic ecological information center was opened in the Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve, which was created in order to attract attention of people    (and especially children!) to nature.

The staff of the center works with schoolchildren, organizes environmental events, develops tourism infrastructure and cooperates with the media.

The Ecocenter also includes the Museum of Nature, a video hall and a creative workshop;   ecological routes are developed here. On the border with the reserve there are recreation centers and a children's health center.


How to get there

Address: Russia, Primorsky Krai, Shkotovsky District, 692519, Ussuriysk,   Nekrasov str., 19, a / i 34.

You can get to the reserve by bus from the city of Ussuriysk to the village of Kaymanovka.

Phone: (423-41) 44915, 98330
Fax: (423-41) 20107
Official website:

Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Russian National Parks ecotourism Ussuriysk Vladivostok  

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