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Travel to Krasnodar Territory: Gelendzhik Dolmens
March 3, 2020 17:50


This Gelendzhik landmark is located near the village of Vozrozhdeniye. These ancient structures date back to the Bronze Age. They are about 5 thousand years old. There is still no single correct version that would explain the origin of these structures. There are many assumptions, and one of them says that dolmens are the creation of aliens.

On the walls of dolmens one can find many interesting drawings that symbolize various elements. Zigzag images mean the fusion of fertility and spiritual rebirth.

Some researchers emphasize the special energy of these places. They believe that dolmens were built as shrines, objects of worship. There are known stories when tourists specially came here to recharge.

The origin of the Gelendzhik dolmens

Scientists claim that the Maykopians, who lived in the foothills of the North Caucasus in the Bronze Age, could not create such designs based on their beliefs and cultural characteristics. Therefore, there are many versions of what these buildings are and why they are found all over the globe.

All dolmens found in the world are divided into 4 groups: trough-shaped, tiled, monolithic, and composite. Compounds are made up of small plates. Monolithic dolmens are made of a whole piece of rock, trough-shaped are carved in the rock and covered with a slab from above. Tiled ones are considered the most beautiful, they are also the oldest. They are trapezoidal, round and square, but always have holes. Most of the Janet dolmens are of the tiled type, there are also underground ones, as well as buildings with zigzag patterns, horizontal stripes, bas-reliefs with imitation of portals.

Dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory vary in size from small to grand. For example, there are those that take up no more space than a doghouse, as well as very large ones with a plate weight of about 40 tons. Experts felt that such a huge dolmen should have been built by at least 150 people for 2 years. Caucasian dolmens are distinguished by the fact that the plates in them are made of sandstone. This material only grows stronger under the influence of moisture.

According to archaeological data, Gelendzhik dolmens are from 3400 to 4700 years old. In total, there were several thousand of them in the Caucasus, but only 150 remained. Many of the remaining ones are located near the Zhane River, on the Shirokaya Slit farm, near the village of Pshada. Some of these structures had to be reassembled from the remnants, because many were destroyed due to the Great Patriotic War. Thousands were destroyed during logging, construction of roads, buildings, excavations and quarries, military exercises. Only hundreds of years later, the question of preserving dolmens as a unique heritage of their ancestors arose.

The purpose of dolmens 

Perhaps, burials of priests and leaders were carried out here. It is also likely that these structures were religious and intended to serve the gods. Another version insists that such structures serve as a means of communication for a highly developed civilization. Dissenters say that the ancient seers before death went to these buildings for meditation.

In any case, ancient people knew that there was a large accumulation of energy near the buildings. Here, as in the Egyptian pyramids, strong magnetic oscillations are noted, even the watches nearby slows down. Some people experience visions and may hear voices. Now there is a belief that each dolmen is special and has its own purpose. So, in the valley of the Jane river there are dolmens of family and marriage, as well as health. Many tourists come here to feel the energy of the “place of power”. From time to time, creative festivals are held near the picturesque Jane Valley.

How to get to the dolmens on the Janet River from Gelendzhik

For visiting dolmens, it is best to choose dry weather and warm season. In winter, the grandeur of the ancient buildings can not be seen under the snow. From April to October, when there is no snow and rain, the sights are most easily accessible by car.

Dolmens of the Janet River are not located in Gelendzhik itself, but about 20 kilometers from the city. You need to get to the village of Vozrozhdenie, and then move on foot, by car or along the way. 

Regular bus number 112 goes from the station "Old Station" in Gelendzhik   every 2 hours, from 5:30 to 20:40. Get off at the 16 kilometer stop to walk less. Then move on the way or on foot for another 2.5 kilometers.

You can order a taxi for a trip to waterfalls and dolmens through the Yandex taxi, Gett, Maxim taxi applications. The cost will be from 13 rubles per 1 kilometer. 

The tour can be purchased at travel agencies or from private guides. This is the best option for those who do not have a car and have small children. Often, the program also includes a trip to the Janet Falls, located nearby.


Author: Anna Dorozhkina

Tags: Gelendzhik Krasnodar Territory travel to Russia   

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